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Australians used 3.5 million tonnes of plastic each year and out of whichone million tonnes of plastic consumption is single-use plastic. Three-quarters of the plastic found along Australia’s coastline is single-use plastics. 

    Up to 12.7 Million tonnesof plastic enter the ocean each year (equivalent weight of 12 Million Elephants).

    There will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.

Australians generate more single-use plastic waste per capita than any other country in the world – about 60 kilograms a year.

So, what’s the plan?

    Single-use plastic items are being banned in different states and territories over the coming years in Australia.

A sustainable solution

Needless to say, stainless steel bottles are definitely the far better option instead of plastic bottles.

Very low on environment, best for human health, and very economic in long term.

    The best thing that self-sterilizing stainless steel bottles, equipped with UV lights, are capable to kill DNA of bacteria and viruses, preventing them from colonizing and reproducing. So, you always enjoy the taste of purified water without giving a chance to them to grow. It does not only keep you healthy but also prevent awful odor, which is generally produced by growing bacteria.

How we can make an impact!

    We have a vision of effectively protecting nature and using resources responsibly. NAASH is devoted towards reducing plastics and avoiding plastic waste.